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*Receive Group Coaching whereever you are in the world.

*Become part of a community that is mindful, intelligent, and forward thinking where you can excel in your life growth!


It is my great honor that you have found my site.  Please take the time you need to read through its pages, and contact me if I might assist you or your oranization in ANY way!

Spiritual Life Coaching, Personal Motivational Training

My name is Odette Orozco and I am the Consciousness Coach (Mindfulness Coach) and founder of At the Heart of It All. I've designed this site to connect us because it would be my truest joy to help enable you to step into the GREATEST, most        authentically fulfilled and realized version of YOU.

I believe that it is our birth right to be able and fulfill our maximum potential, and to live profoundly meaningful and joyful lives. Lives that are tapped into our own creative genius, with profound happiness and purpose. Lives of brilliance, expansion, contribution and excellence. Living consciously, in a realized state. 

It is possible.

If you are here, it is because you feel the true power of your essence stirring within you. It is beckoning you to find the guidance you seek to create the mastery of your Self, and of your life or that of your organization. You're ready for the next level.

As a coach, I hold the space for you to deepen into greatness within all areas of life because that is wholistic and conscious living. I advise on organizational, personal, emotional, financial and spiritual areas of need.

It is Consciousness coaching in that I recognize your unique essence as an all powerful and important eternal being who is evolving within a human body and leading a human life. I understand that we are Divine (Energy), Human (Persona /ego) and Physical (Body). Together, we will explore the aspects of your life that need balance and/or support and I will help you integrate and maximize all aspects of your self within your current reality.

It is time for you to realize more of YOU. To live on Purpose, awakened from your dormant potential!

And I am So glad that you are here! I am direct, and will challenge you and hold you accountable, all while using gentleness, non- judgemental compassion, sincerity and love. I am a psychic, healer, and channel-medium, deeply attuned to intuition. My expertise lies in offering higher perspectives to all narratives and providing practical, effective tools to support the embodiment of Higher Consciousness. 

With my services, I invite you to welcome the new you. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey, in which your desires are exceeded by your fruitful manifestations, and your current imagination of what life could be like, lived!

Within an ocean of Light, may you be embraced.



Odette Orozco

P.S. I congratulate your seeking and hail your desire to evolve consciously, in any form that may take. Love awaits you! As you ARE Love itself.

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At the Heart of It All

Within you all things are possible.

You deserve to live your best life now.

I invite you to live the
greatest version of you
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